New Euroamerican School Campus Campestre

Euro Campestre, nestled in the heart of San Pedro, is a private school dedicated to nurturing both local and internationally-minded families. Our focus is on fostering innovative thinking, rather than adhering to rigid mindsets.

Our experienced and passionate educators are dedicated to the continuous growth of our students, offering a top-tier international academic curriculum that meets the highest educational standards. This ensures our graduates are well-prepared for the ever-evolving demands of the world.

Through a blend of academics and co-curricular activities, we help our students discover their unique identity, passions, and creative skills, empowering them to chase their dreams and emerge as compassionate leaders.

We are a values-based family, grounded in faith, committed to preserving our national identity, and celebrating the richness of global diversity. We are best known for:

  1. - International academic program
  2. -Technology and learning spaces
  3. - 3rd learning language experience: French
  4. - Unique methodology: Conscious Discipline program
  5. - Values and Religion


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